About Us

We're part of the community we serve. Shooting has been a huge part of all of our lives, and we're passionate about helping clubs, syndicates and ranges to grow and thrive.

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Our mission

Target shooting in the UK only continues to exists because of the volunteers running clubs. We want to support clubs, and the people who run them, to keep the sport we love alive.

Meet the team

Dan Knight


Dan is a Membership Secretary at his local club, and has been building software for startups and enterprises for over 10 years.

CSR Mini Rifle Mem. Secretary

Alex Meade


Alex is a keen shooter, qualified RSO and club coach. His main discipline is Mini Rifle, and he's sponsored by Shield Sights.

Mini Rifle RSO

James Day


James shoots competitively across multiple disciplines. He's a qualified RCO, club coach, and the Range Mate Team Captain.

Mini Rifle CSR PRS RCO